Saturday, 27 November 2021

My PTE Exam Journey : PTE Tips and Tricks Youtube Channel

Dear PTE exam candidates,

As I promised to share which youtube channel that I think really helpful. Trust me, it is really helpful. It works for me and so you.

I was practicing Repeat Sentence from youtube Jimmysem. 

Jimmysem Youtube Channel

I really really recommend youtube channel Jimmysem like damn seriously. This oppa like an angel teach us how to score PTE from student overview.

I used his template in 

I can confirm his template still working as per now. You can master DI and RL in just one day.

I also start my Speaking - Repeat Sentence from his youtube channel. It boost me to be more fluent and as I practice more, it helps me to catch and memorize the words. I also lack at memorizing.

This youtube channel always updated from time to time on video Listening - Write from Dictation and Speaking - Repeat Sentence.

Sometimes I just played youtube Repeat Sentence while I'm cooking, washing dishes and folding clothes.

Their youtube channel also come out with prediction question so that we can familiarize with the likely real exam question.

I used some video from her channel for some other tips like microphone position, pitch, and Scored Test demo. From his tutorial, I now realize that voice, tone and pitch have different score in our exam.

This is the first youtube channel in my PTE journey which I like the most. From his youtube channel also I got some tips like to choose the right test center for our exam and also microphone position. 

If you want to get a different point of view from another tutor, this is the right channel. From here, I know about the best website to practice Read Aloud. 

That's all I can list so far. 

I did go to PTE class before but I feel all these youtube channels are more than enough. Don't worry if you are not going to PTE class for some reasons. Follow their tips and practise, you can get your desire score.

Next, I will share with you guys what I did in my PTE journey (Scored Test, pitch analyser and microphone).

Good luck to all of you.

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